How Citysurfing Is Changing The Way Travelers See New Cities

citysurfing blog

In the past, travelers turned to tour operators for their next excursion. While tours are a great way to learn about a locale, they operate much like shepherding school kids from the playground to the classroom and vice versa. A tour takes you to all the scenic places, but you don’t get to see the real gems unless you explore on your own.

This is why Citysurfing has become so popular.

What Is Citysurfing and How Is It Changing How People Travel?

Citysurfing is a peer-to-peer marketplace that brings area residents and travelers together. It allows a traveler to hang out with locals that will help them discover the hidden gems that a tour guide never seems to point out. It allows the traveler to get a better understanding and build stronger connections (food, conversations, experiences) with the places they visit.

It’s going off the beaten track aspect of traveling and making the experience all the better!

Traveling is all about getting to experience a place through the eyes of people who live in the area… not some scripted guide with long lines with a long list of itineraries. With Citysurfing, you get to truly experience what an area has to offer; to make a connection with those who you come into contact with and make new friends.

These connections are what make traveling so worthwhile, as it allows you to become friends for life with the people you meet.

I would say I am an experienced traveler. When I was planning a trip just recently, I used the Internet to look for apps and tools that would allow me to connect with locals in communities abroad. In my search, I found Citysurfing, a travel platform that will connect travelers with locals who want to become a host.

The site resonated with me, as these hosts are individuals who want to teach you about the culture, atmosphere and all that has to do with their area.

Citysurfing Connects You To Like-Minded Locals

Citysurfing is what allows travelers to meet like-minded area individuals who don’t mind showing you around the area that all can enjoy. There are nearly 5,500 locals who have signed up to become hosts across the United States, Europe, and Asia.

These hosts are ready to take you to places you won’t experience with a costly tour guide. Want to check out the hidden sites of Orlando, Tokyo, Paris, Seoul or any large city? Citysurfing locals don’t use any scripted services or laid-out tour guides to show you around. Instead, they actively engage with visitors and take them to their favorite spots in a city.

Perhaps you want to go to a dance club while in Paris. You do a quick search for locals that share your love for dance and connect with them on the site. They’ll join you on an excursion to their favorite clubs, discos, or social dance venues so you can go dancing to your heart’s content.

If you’re the kind of person who wants to be socially and environmentally conscious, then you’ll be pleased with the Citysurfing business model that has a mission to support local communities. It’s got a fully interactive website that is easy to access, regardless of what device you use.

Citysurfing is the up-and-coming new way to explore the world and I have no doubt that it’s going to change how socially-minded individuals enjoy travel.


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